We offer several services to help alleviate discomfort and dysfunction in all our patients. The process of bringing the spine back to a more functional condition often requires the retraining of muscles and ligaments that have become weakened and stretched overtime. This retraining process begins with the first adjustment and generally requires a series of carefully planned treatments to fully achieve longer lasting correction. The following are some of the techniques and methods we specialize in at our chiropractor clinic.
This method focuses on the structure, function and bio-mechanics of the upper cervical spine (neck) which includes the occiput, atlas/C1 and axis/C2. The atlas is the top vertebrae of the spine and supports the head. Orthogonal means at right angle to or square. If the Atlas is not square to the head and spine (referred to as subluxated) then the head and spine are by necessity out of alignment, causing maladaptation. We use an adjustment instrument that is safe, gentle, and delivers a precise impulse to the exact area needed as determined by X-rays.
Utilizing a hand-held instrument referred to as an activator, this instrument delivers a very precise adjustment. One of the gentler chiropractic techniques, this method is a good choice for people who are sensitive to being manipulated, have reduced range of motion, whiplash, those with osteoporosis or arthritis, and for children, the elderly or people who do not like the “popping” sound of getting adjusted.
The Thompson Technique utilizes a segmental drop table that enhances inducing motion into spinal segments. Dr. Clay Thompson designed a table that allowed such an adjustive thrust into the cervical spine by a moveable headpiece. He later designed such moveable table drops for the thoracic, lumbar and pelvic regions. The Leg Length Analysis was also developed which results from postural imbalances influenced by the Reticular Activating System in the brainstem. This is the area of the brain where the inhibitory and facilitory systems maintain neurological balance in the muscular system of the body. The table drop mechanisms enhance the specific chiropractic adjustment but reduce the thrust felt in the segments.
Spinal decompression technique also known as Flexion and Distraction is a low-force adjustive procedure that decompresses the spine including discs. It can be administered to the lumbar (lower back) and cervical (neck) spine for a variety of conditions. It is effective in treating bulging, slipped, ruptured and herniated discs (without cauda equina syndrome or progressive neurological deficit), facet syndrome, spondylolisthesis, sprain/strain, scoliosis and spinal stenosis.
Dysfunction due to sports injuries, car accidents, overuse or postural imbalance can happen in any joint in the body and can accumulate and progress subtly over years, leading to pain in or around the spine even though the root cause is somewhere else. Adjustments and mobilizations can be performed on almost every joint to restore motion.
A gentle, hands-on method of evaluating and enhancing the functioning of a physiological body system called the craniosacral system comprised of the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord. Using a soft touch generally no greater than 5 grams, or about the weight of a nickel, we release restrictions in the craniosacral system to help improve the functioning of the central nervous system. This technique is used by Dr. Baker to restore neuromuscular balance to infants after experiencing the considerable forces of child birth.
This is also known as low level laser therapy (LLLT). Research has shown it can reduce healing time by 30-40% with improved strength than if it is not used.
Light energy is used to directly stimulate the body’s cells to do what they were created to do. Low level laser penetrates into the skin and fascia , working to restore normal cellular function and reducing inflammation. Cold laser or low level laser uses a non heat producing light laser within a specific range on the spectrum of laser light.
It is a level that is optimal for treatment and can penetrate damaged tissue to initiate healing at the cellular level. It is applied by certified technicians or doctors as a method of healing therapy on injured tissue including sprains, strains, wounds, sutures, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, repetitive stress injuries, Rotator Cuff injury, TMJ, tendonitis, arthritis, whiplash, plantar fasciitis, fractures, and inflamed tissue. Research demonstrates there is a dose dependent response, so low doses of cold laser therapy are more effective with repeated doses over a period of time rather than one large dose one time.
Exercise is not employed until the damaged tissue and structures of each patient have appropriate time for healing. This is usually a 30-90 day period, depending on the severity of the damage and the overall condition and response of each patient. General exercises may then be prescribed specifically for the patient that will not interfere with healing, but instead enhance and strengthen structures. Exercises may be for balancing postural muscles and increasing range of motion, or general strength and conditioning. The patient may be able to resume an exercise program they previously found effective after a brief healing period as the doctor directs. This alleviates the likelihood of setbacks in care. Exercise and movement are important parts of your overall wellness and improved wellbeing!